Thursday, June 5, 2014

The whole truth and nothing but

Guess what? I actually have a prompt. I've been struggling to come up with anything for this (and to find time) since December, but, in the wake of some pretty awful current events and a thought provoking post by Tracy, I've come up with something. When I read about sexism and gendered violence my first thought is "why do people let this continue?" I then, however, think of all of the times I've experienced sexism and how I am often too shocked to respond in any way (defensive or offensive). With that said, this prompt is to write about sexism and the many ways it influences our lives. It can be something you've experienced, a manifesto about how to dismantle patriarchy, a disjointed bunch of emotions. Anything.


~Justina Moniz

Thursday, December 12, 2013

The Beginning...


Hi All! The purpose of this blog is to keep the world (my little part of it) writing. I got the idea from my autobiography & memoir class, where each morning we began with a writing prompt. So... Each week I will post a prompt, it could be anything, sometimes it might be crazy and other times it might be quite simple. The point is to inspire you to write, whatever you want. Once you have written something (and think it is as perfect as perfect gets) you can email it to apromptidea [at] gmail [dot] com and I might post it right here! I would like to post as many pieces as I can, because I want us all to be able to share our writing. I will make a post all about how to submit something in the near future. Until then, here is your first prompt.

*drum roll please* Dreams. Write about a dream you had or wish you had. Write about your scariest dream or your sweetest. Write about a dream someone else had. Write a completely fictional story about a dream. It doesn't matter what you write, just be inspired by dreams.

"All that we see or seem
Is but a dream within a dream"
-Edgar Allan Poe

~Justina Moniz